
Does natural work?

Short answer - absolutely. Think about skincare without additional fillers or diluted with water and with unnecessary additives to have a shelf life of 5 years. And now think about the ingredients that are mixed in synergies in purest form and that our bodies are most compatible with. Nature and our bodies are one. We are all connected.


How long does it take for skincare to work?

Scientifically skins turnover is about 28 days, rebalance of the whole system aka your body can take even longer. There is no magic pill or cream to give you the glow in a blink of an eye, but the magic is with being kind to yourself and patient and trust that your efforts will bring you the results you crave. I would say give it at least a month to see if new skincare works for you.


How to get #datglotho?

We believe that everything is connected, therefore the is no overnight line remover potion. The magic is in how you treat you body, spirit and mind with nutrition, hydration, exercise, rest and mindfulness.