
#threeminutesofbeauty with Oksana

Oksana Jager is one of my dearest friends and colleagues. Originally from Lithuania, now based in New York City. She is not only our muse, but a model, entrepreneur @skylarmodeling  and overall a beautiful human, a total #amberbabe. She says - ‘while working with the best make-up artist in the world I get access to and try many different skincare products, with "Amberlight beauty" being my all-time favorite.’ - Love you!

1.What is beauty for you?

For me, true beauty is being happy, confident, and radiant. When you are free, true to yourself and your values, and free of judgment. It's something that can't just be seen in appearance but in what we make and present ourselves as.

2. Favorite beauty ingredient, and why?

Aloe vera and chamomile. It's simply a timeless beauty ingredient. It's a natural remedy, which from a young age you learn from your grandma and mom about its benefits for acne, stretch marks, and even wounds. And the beauty of it is that is accessible for everyone to grow. 

3.Your favorite body part?

It's definitely would be eyes. I know it probably sounds cheesy, but its eyes can tell a lot about our emotions, what we have been through. And when after all the years you get complimented that you have beautiful eyes you start to believe it and also think the same. 

4.Is there a special beauty routine you follow that is native to your background?

I think I'm more into eastern rituals. I do like to switch up some of them as skin is getting used to it. I can't really remember any specific beauty ritual that is native to my background.

5.Is there a special beauty rituals from your mom and grandmother?

As I mentioned before, we always had an aloe vera plant. It came to the rescue on every occasion. Even till now, I cut it into pieces and place them in the freezer into an ice cube tray, and every morning with circular motion apply to my face before starting my day.